The easy way to use Serverless with TypeScript

Ricardo Carvalho
White Prompt Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2023


What's TypeScript and Why should I use it?

TypeScript is a free and open-source programming language that is a strict superset of JavaScript. This means that any valid JavaScript code is also valid Typescript code. TypeScript provides additional features that enable developers to write more robust and maintainable code like a Type System.

Here are 5 great reasons why you want to consider using it in your projects:

  1. Type safety: TypeScript provides optional static typing, which can help catch type-related errors at compile time. This can reduce the likelihood of runtime errors and improve the overall robustness of your code.
  2. Improved code readability and maintainability: By providing more expressive type annotations and additional features such as interfaces and classes, TypeScript can make your code more readable and easier to maintain over time.
  3. Good tooling: TypeScript integrates with many popular code editors and development tools, such as Visual Studio Code, and provides features such as autocompletion and type checking, which can improve the developer experience and reduce the time spent debugging.
  4. Enhanced scalability: TypeScript’s type system can help with managing large codebases and can make it easier to refactor code without introducing errors.
  5. Better documentation: TypeScript’s type annotations can serve as a form of documentation, providing developers with insights into the expected behavior of functions and other constructs.

Overall, using TypeScript can help improve the quality and maintainability of your code, reduce the time spent debugging, and provide a better developer experience.

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If you are looking for a software development team to help you build and scale a solid product, contact us today for a consultation.

What’s Serverless and Why should I use it?

Serverless computing has gained popularity in recent years as a way to build and deploy applications without the need to manage servers or infrastructure. With serverless computing, you only pay for the exact amount of computing resources that your code uses, making it highly cost-effective and scalable.

Serverless computing has several advantages that make it a compelling choice for certain types of applications and use cases:

  1. Cost-effective: With serverless computing, you only pay for the exact amount of computing resources that your code uses. This can lead to significant cost savings compared to traditional server-based architectures where you have to pay for a fixed amount of resources, regardless of usage.
  2. Scalability: Serverless architectures are highly scalable, and can automatically scale up or down based on the workload. This can help to ensure that your application can handle sudden spikes in traffic without requiring manual intervention.
  3. Reduced operational overhead: With serverless computing, you don’t have to worry about managing servers or infrastructure. The cloud provider takes care of all the underlying infrastructure, allowing you to focus on writing code and delivering value to your customers.
  4. Faster time-to-market: Because serverless architectures abstract away many of the complexities of infrastructure management, you can focus on building and deploying your application more quickly. This can lead to faster time-to-market and a more agile development process.
  5. Increased resilience: Serverless architectures are highly fault-tolerant, with built-in redundancy and failover mechanisms. This can help to ensure that your application stays up and running even in the face of unexpected failures or outages.

Getting started with Serverless Framework and TypeScript

First of all you’ll need to install Node.js and Serverless Framework on your development machine. Once you’ve done that, you can follow these steps to create your TypeScript Serverless Application.

  1. Create a new Serverless Framework project using the following command:
serverless create --template aws-nodejs-typescript --path MyServerlessApp

This will create a new Serverless Framework project using the “aws-nodejs-typescript” template.

2. Navigate to the new project directory using the following command:

cd MyServerlessApp

3. Install the required dependencies using the following command:

npm install

4. Start writing your TypeScript code in the “src” folder. As an example let's write a simple Hello World service.

export const hello = async (event: any) => { 
const name = || 'World';
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify(
{ message: `Hello, ${name}!`}

5. You can now deploy your function using the following command:

serverless deploy


Using TypeScript and Serverless Framework can provide a highly productive and efficient way to build and deploy serverless applications. With TypeScript, you can catch errors at compile time and provide better documentation, while Serverless Framework simplifies the process of building and deploying serverless applications. By combining these two technologies, you can build robust and scalable serverless applications with ease.

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