How to Build an Instant Messaging Feature for your React Native app using CometChat

Mariano Ignagni (Neferis)
White Prompt Blog
Published in
7 min readFeb 3, 2023



Intuitive and instant messaging features allow users to do more all in one place. CometChat is an in-app messaging platform with features like integrations and multiple build options that make it user-friendly for developers with varying skill sets.

CometChat also lets you add a user to user chat with no trouble, making it a great tool for Applications that are already working and would like to enhance their user experience.

In our article, we will learn how to integrate CometChat step by step while working on a React Native project. Let’s get started!

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To begin, let’s review the requirements necessary to build our application. You will need:

  • A text editor. (e.g. Visual Studio Code, Notepad++, Sublime Text, Atom, or VIM)
  • Node
  • npm
  • React-Native


To begin the installation process, you will need to register on CometChat and create a new app there. It offers a free tier so let’s start with that:

Name your application and continue with the Region and the Use Case. To note, the Region option helps with optimizing your application and will not cause any restrictions.
On the Technologies step, you will complete the fields for Android and iOS. You can also complete them for the Backend or Frontend if you want to do a cross platform chat.
After completing those steps, your Application is created and you can now begin implementing your code.

After creating your application, you will need to go to the Credentials section to record the App Id and the API key.

Now it’s time to add the CometChat dependency on your React Native app using the following command:

npm install @cometchat-pro/react-native-chat@3.0.2 --save

Also, in order to have the integration working you will also need to install Async-Storage package as follows:

npm install @react-native-async-storage/async-storage --save


For the integration process, you will need to initialize CometChat by using the init() method which is usually added onto your App.jsxfile. We will be calling it with a setting object that will contain the information from our CometChat application.

const appSetting = new CometChat

CometChat.init(Config.cometChatAppId, appSetting)
.then(() => console.log(‘Init completed’));

In order to build this setting object, the SDK will have an AppSettingBuilder method that will let us do the job easily.

Here are a few items to note as we continue our development:

  • As we have set the region to the US, we are using setRegion
  • The Config.cometChatAppId in your code needs to match your CometChat App Id. This step is very important before we continue with next steps.

Create, Login and Edit Users

Now you are able to register a user or login a user into the chat application. When your users have been identified in your system you can go ahead and register them on CometChat.

const authKey = 'AUTH_KEY';
const uid = 'userA';
const name = 'Kevin';
const user = new CometChat.User(uid);


CometChat.createUser(user, authKey).then(
user => {
console.log(“user created”, user);
}, error => {
console.log(“error”, error);

uid and name are mandatory so you will need to specify them. Your uid is going to be the identifier of your user. It will end up being a string so keep that in mind if you are sending an int.

Important Note: uid can be alphanumeric with an underscore and hyphen. Spaces, punctuation and other special characters are not allowed.

After User Creation, you will be ready to login using the login method as seen here:

let authKey = 'AUTH_KEY';

(user) => {
if(!user) {
CometChat.login(UID, authKey)

You only need to login the user one time per session. This is why we are using getLoggedinUser to see if there is a user already logged in to follow in accordance.

In case you have a page to setup your profile, you will need to call the updateUser method to keep your user information in sync on CometChat.

This is an example of how you can set/update a user avatar picture and some metadata that might be relevant in your mobile application:

const cometUser = new CometChat.User('userA');
cometUser.setName('newName'); //info that comes from your profile setup page

if (avatarUrl) {
//if user have set a profile picture on your app
//you will want to update it on CometChat as well

//metadata is usefull to display extra information on a conversation list
//or to display on user information with no need of an extra BE call
title: user.title,

CometChat.updateUser(cometUser, Config.cometChatAuthKey);

Creating and Retrieving a Conversation

For our next step, let’s assume that 2 users (userA and userB) are interacting in your mobile app and both already have their user created on the CometChat App. When interacting, we can have a new feature to send an instant message; we will use sendMessage method. It will receive some arguments. The first argument is the uidof the receiver; the second one is the text of the message; the third is the conversation type (on this case we are working on a user-to-user chat feature so it will be user, but it can also be a group.

//messageText may be the user input or also be a default initial message
//receiverUID on our example is going to be 'userB'
const textMessage = new CometChat.TextMessage(receiverUID, messageText, 'user');


In order to retrieve conversations we are going to use the ConversationsRequestBuilder method which will provide us with the list of conversations to record on our component.

Once you have the object of the ConversationsRequest class, you need to call the fetchNext() method. Calling this method will return a list of Conversation objects containing X number of users depending on the limit set.

A Maximum of only 50 Conversations can be fetched at once.

The Conversation Object consists of the following fields below:

conversationId: ID of the conversation.

conversationType: Type of conversation (user/group).

lastMessage: Last message the conversation.

conversationWith: User or Group object containing the details of the user or group.

unreadMessageCount: Unread message count for the conversation.

const [conversations, setConversations] = useState([]);

const getConversations = () => {

const conversationsRequest = new CometChat.ConversationsRequestBuilder()

.then((conversationList) => {

useEffect(() => {

return (
renderItem={({ item }) => (
<ConversationItemRow conversation={item}/>

Getting Old Messages and Listening to a Conversation

Once the user selects a conversation from the FlatList, we will want to retrieve that single conversation’s previous messages to display the entire exchange.

For this to happen, we will use messageRequestBuilder and its fetchPrevious().

const getMessagesFunction = () => {

const messagesRequest = new CometChat.MessagesRequestBuilder()

(res) => {
setMessages(res); //store messages to display on conversation

You can also use CometChat.markAsRead(message) to let CometChat know about the read status of this message.

Now that we have the conversation being rendered, we will want to add a listener for it to behave like it is; a realtime conversation. In order to do that we will use addMessageListener to let our code know what to do once it receives a new message. For this case, we will force the pull of messages so we will be rendering the full conversation every time a new message is received.

useEffect(() => {
const listenerID = `MESSAGE_LISTENER_KEY${uniqueId}`;

navigation.addListener(‘focus’, () => {
new CometChat.MessageListener({
onTextMessageReceived: () => getMessagesFunction(),

//don't forget to remove the listener on unmount
navigation.addListener(‘blur’, () =>
}, []);

At this point in our process, you have completed the full cycle of a conversation. Congratulations!


With these few steps you have been able to successfully connect and start using CometChat on your application. Let’s review what we have learned.

Create Conversation Between Users

Your app may let the active user enter the text of the initial message or you can display a default message to let the receiver know about someone trying to contact him.

Retrieve and List Conversations

Existing conversations will let the user navigate properly. You can also use a CometChat user avatar and metadata to display extra information (company, email, user title, etc).

See Old Messages and Listen for New Ones

This will let the user read all messages, and you can add more fetch actions to check if a conversation has prior messages to display once the user has scrolled enough.

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